Yun's Poem Corner.
Do you want to read Poetry? well all you need is Yun's Pome Corner

- From : Yun Winters

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Werner Hennigan

Werner Hennigan Lovely!! :D

Takahashi Hitomaro

Takahashi Hitomaro omg I love this blog idea! :D

Seren Meka

Seren Meka amazing poems Yun!

Ida Bernier

Ida Bernier These are really great!

Eira Lenore

Eira Lenore Amazing article, Yun! Can't wait to see more

Delphi Emerson

Delphi Emerson oohh, awesome, poems!

Ryder Ackerman

Ryder Ackerman I love this Yun! Poems are great!

Brendin Daniels

Brendin Daniels Poems are not my forte but I may consider this, nice article Miss Winters!

Addison Akihiko

Addison Akihiko Ohh poems are amazing, send some Yun's way!

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