it's Tuesday so that means the series 5 Things Continues and today there are 5 Things you did not know existed

- From : Yun Winters

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Karina Baudelaire

Karina Baudelaire Amazing blog!

Werner Hennigan

Werner Hennigan Fab work,Yun! I love this series a lot. :D

Addison Akihiko

Addison Akihiko What a incredible blog, good job Yun!

Anastasia Wisteria

Anastasia Wisteria Wonderful Blog! I did not know about some of these xD

Takahashi Hitomaro

Takahashi Hitomaro ;o I got to learn something new today :D Great Work,Yun!

Maeve DeCarlo

Maeve DeCarlo These are certainly some interesting facts! Especially the last one!

Marzipan Naopi

Marzipan Naopi Awesome blog once again!!!

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