•°. *࿐ Let's Conspire
We're an amazing fandom and we of course have quite a few Conspiracy Theories going around. Let's find them out!

- From : Anya Sharma

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Elahe Sharma

Elahe Sharma Hmm interesting name..given they went to ditto then back to mew with mewtwo but i love this theory! And yes all the socials!

Etta Tudor

Etta Tudor Amazing blog! Nice reading it

Maanvi Jindal

Maanvi Jindal Great blog Raph! Keep it up! This is was amazing read

Aaryan Verlice

Aaryan Verlice This theory made me wrack my brains for other similarities and wow, things match up

Misha Brookers

Misha Brookers What an incredible blog! Imma follow ALL of the socialmedias! great work! <3

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