Welcome to the third edition of Gotta Catch ‘em All! Every two weeks, we will talk about a Pokémon Trading Card and see why this Card is worth having in your collection (or why not)! But that is not all, people! You get to guess the next Pokémon as well. Isn’t that a-ma-zing? Thought so! Last time we were looking for... Snivy! And the person who guessed it correctly, so Hollie Star, keep an eye out for the gift these upcoming days!
Snivy is actually adorable, if you ask me. But then again, I've said this about every Pokémon that came before it! It's based on a reptilan/snake-like Pokémon and could be found in the same sort of family as Onyx!

Did you know that Snivy's tail is capable of performing photosynthesis? However, the tail'll start to droop once Snivy loses its energy. But photosynthesis, people! That's like... WHOA?!

Everyone knows that Snivy is a Grass Pokémon, but did you also know that, while it normally happens, Snivy wasn't listed as the first Pokémon in the regional PokéDex? It's even more unique than we thought. o: It's still number #001, but this time there's a #000! Who could that be?!

As usual, a little fact about the chance on finding yourself a female Snivy... surprise surprise, it's as difficult as finding yourself a female Eevee! With a little 12,5% chance, you have 87,5% chance to find yourself a male. Sorry folks!

It's not really known where one could find a Snivy, as in most games, they're part of the starter Pokémon package. But seeing that they are a grass Pokémon, we know where to look... kind of! Somewhere in Unova, at least. ;)


Do you know which Pokémon this is? Post your guess in the comments below and who knows? Maybe you'll win some amazing prizes!


EMME edited by lavender.