Welcome to the third edition of Gotta Catch ‘em All! Every two weeks, we will talk about a Pokémon Trading Card and see why this Card is worth having in your collection (or why not)! But that is not all, people! You get to guess the next Pokémon as well. Isn’t that a-ma-zing? Thought so! Last time we were looking for... Vulpix! And two people guessed it correctly, so Hollie Star and Tia Rosales, keep an eye out for the gift these upcoming days!

Vulpix! Isn't it a little cutie? Did you know that there's two types of Vulpix in our amazing world? We have our normal, fox-like reddish orange Vulpix, but we also have the arctic fox-like blueish white Vulpix! The Alolan Vulpix, as it's known as!

Did you know that Vulpix has a flame inside of them? Neither did I! Apparently the flame never goes out, which is just beautiful if you ask me. It's kinda like the eternal flame.

While there are plenty of Fire-Type Pokémon, Vulpix is the one fire-type with the least amount of HP. Doesn't take away that they're adorable though! So if you're not someone for fighting and battling! Go get one!

Now the Alolan Vulpix is a different kind of cookie. Did you know that they can expel breathes as cold as -50C (-58F)?! I mean it's a good thing when you just want your ice cream to stay as cold as possible, right? Not sure if it'll be able to only freeze that though, so don't try this at home. While the Alolan Vulpix doesn't do greatly in warmer environments, its tail can still produce ice to lower the temperature if needed! So are you hot? Get yourself an Alolan Vulpix. ;)

Now do you wish to catch a Vulpix? Our best guess is to look on grassy plains. Do keep in mind that they mainly live in small packs, better known as a skulk! The skulk is lead and protected by Ninetales, though... But never forget: Catching a Vulpix will always be easier than finding a female Eevee in the wild!


Do you know which Pokémon this is? Post your guess in the comments below and who knows? Maybe you'll win some amazing prizes!


EMME edited by lavender.