It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas!
Do you love Writing?
Interested in your lovely ideas through the media in many forms!? Check out the Pokemedia Club on how to apply and mail me, Theodore North, with your application and possibly become a part of the lovely team!
Reader of the Week!

I would like to thank the amazing Name for being an amazing reader of the Paper Name and commenting on articles! We appreciate it a lot and hope that you continue showing us the love!
Open Jobs
Check out the clubs for an opportunity to get a chance at getting a colour on site. We would be delighted to have you on our lovely team!!
Graduate Jobs:
Carnivale League Coordinator
Professors (Geography, Battle, Healing, Pokemon History, Survival)
Student Jobs:
Assistant Professor
Hello there users of World of Pocket Monsters. Christmas is coming up in just a few days and it is okay if you don't celebrate the holidays, but some festive cheer on the site would be just amazing to Christmas-ify the site (is that a word?)

Tomorrow I will also be unleashing a small writing competition for you all to compete in as well, but for now I will have a list of things you can do to get in the holiday spirit and if you complete them you'll even get a few goodies from me!
Enjoy this amazing picture of Addison aka the Grinch ------------------------------------------------->

1. Change your FC to something festive/winter themed

2. Write a letter to Santa with 3 things you want for Christmas (this can be on your wall or just sent to Theodore in an IM)

3. Write a short RPG on your wall of your character baking a Christmas treat

4. Send a small to anyone on the site with a nice message

5. Leave a comment on this blog with a smiley like :) or :P If you complete any of these, I will get you a little gift if you send me, Theodore, a Pokemessage, but if you complete everything then you'll recieve something very special from me!

signature pfp
Coded by Ala