
Written by
Yun Winters


Hello there. My name is Yun Winters again and I am here today with 5 things you didn't know existed, so I think we're getting started.

1. Why is there a hole in the candy cane stick?


Ok now we come to a question I think you have been wondering for a long time ... Why is there a hole in the candy cane stick ? That my dear friends, I shall tell now. In 1908 there was a man named George Smith from Connecticut he invented the modern candy bar. But no, it does not end there, no, because here comes the answer to our question. Well, it is like this that if a club has a hole in it, two things happen. The first is that the candy fits much better if it is a hold in the stick. If a child or an adult puts it in their mouth, you at least get some air and are not entirely without mindset. It is worth applause, I think. Over to the next question.


2. Why do frying pans have holes in the handle?


Well, that answer is a little easier to explain if you have a sticky spatula and do not know where to do with it, then there is always a hole in the frying pan where you can put the frying pan on. In fact, that's not stupid, not stupid at all.


3. Why is there a brand with 12 M or similar on soap and skincare products?.


Well, as you understand, there is a brand on different skincare products like Shampoo or conditioner or Loshen, etc., and it is to show how long an effect lasts once it has been opened. So if it says 12 M on a small jar with a lid open, it means that this product lasts for 12 months and if you have used a product with 12 M and you have used it for 13 months, you can get eczema from this product because it has a reasonable date.


4. The mystery of the lid on McDonald's?.


Have you ever been out at McDonald's or another place with fast food restaurant? Then you know you can buy soda there. And yes, the Lid is there so that the soda does not go out because you can drink with the straw. But not only that, because if you do not want to do it, you can permanently remove the Lid, turn it upside down, and BOOM. You have made a cup holder. so now you know the Temple with the Lid. to the last question now


5 . Why are there tiny bubbles on the keyboards of the letters F and J?


Well, it is because when the keyboard came and the computer was invented, many people thought it was not easy to type fast. Hence, it was a person who came up with the best fast possible way to order quickly was if you put your index fingers on the brackets F and J, it would go much quicker. That was all for me today.


OK it was all for me thanks so much sleep well and  hope everything good






Code by Yun Winters