Which Type Is It?


Hello dearies! It took us some time but we are back and in action! A lot of you really enjoyed this new segmant of "Which Type is it?" So let's continue on and get onto the next Pokemon!

For those of you that don't know, this thing called "Which Type Is it?" where we will display a picture of the Pokemon and all you have to do is tell me which pokemon type is it!

We had plenty of people that new the previous Pokemon and also which type it was! The pokemon in question was a Arcanine, and the Pokemon type for this one is... Fire Type! Below will be those who answered correctly along with any fun facts they wanted to shout out for us!

Rowan Windward
Hollie Star

Whisp Feather
Fun Fact: It's known to use the fire inside it's body as energy, and can use it to run 6,200 miles in a single day and night.

James Wexler
Fun Fact: I also discovered that it evolves from Growlithe when exposed to a Fire Stone.

Congrats to these lovely dears! Your gift will be sent to you shortly!

Now, let's get into this new one and remember don't put your answer in the comments, we don't want to ruin the fun for others! Instead send in your answer to me, Addison Akihiko Pokemessage titled - "Which Type is it - Answer".

Also remember, if you answer correctly you will receive a gift from me! Another fun thing you can do is send me in the Pokemessage a fun fact about the pokemon and I can mention it in the next article!

Now, let's take a look at the Pokemon...

Oh now this may be a tricky one. Only one way to find out! So... Which Type IS Jynx? Send me a Pokemessage with your answer and if interested a fun fact about this lovely Jynx! You have until 9/6 (Sept. 6th) to send in your answers!

Cheers and let the fun begin!



Interested in being apart of the PokeMedia Team ? Then by all means check out the PokeMedia club and see how you can apply! Send your application(s) to Addison Akihiko ! Who knows, maybe you might even get a gift for applying AND getting hired.

Cheers and goodluck!


This blog was written by:
Addison Akihiko

Code by Bah