hi everyone I have BIG NEWS I Yun will do more Blogs than just "Yuns Poems Corner". Soon to come will be, "Pokemon Interview" and "Guess the Pokemon" and I have one more for you :o "Guess the Song!!" and this article will of course be Guess the Pokemon. It's about me making a riddle and you should all try to figure out what Pokemon it is. I hope you all like this idea

Okey the Riddle is:

I am one of the first pokemon created,

I am a fire type and also a starter,

you have to watch on my tail because without it I cannot live.

What Pokemon am I?


I hope you like this article idea. just what I was almost forgetting. Right now I am looking for who may have experience in social media or just want to try to be part of a team. I am looking for someone who would think it is fun to work with me. I hope I see your application knocking on my door soon. You will find the application in the clubs, thank you all for making my day so good. Love you

This article was written by our very own Yun Winters. ♥