Welcome to the first edition of Gotta Catch ‘em All! Every two weeks, we will talk about a Pokémon Trading Card and see why this Card is worth having in your collection (or why not)! But that is not all, people! You get to guess the next Pokémon as well. Isn’t that a-ma-zing? Thought so! Well, let’s see what the first card is. Further below you will be able to find next time’s card.

Ah, good old Pikachu! One of the best-known Pokémon around every region. Pikachu is mainly around 1 foot tall. The smaller the cuter, is what I would state (I know people do not agree with this, but this is my moment of fame!). A Pikachu averagely weights around 5 to 6 kilograms, which can be compared to 13 pounds.

Did you know that the male and female Pikachu actually have a difference? Their tails! While the male's tail looks like a lightning bolt, the female's tail actually ends with a heart. Isn't that the most adorable thing? I'd start a army team with just female Pikachus just for the tails!

Their best-known move would probably be Shockwaves, since we all know that Pikachu is an Electric-type Pokémon. Apparently it was also Ash Ketchum's only Electric one! Poor Pikachu, he didn't even have Electric friends! But at least he was very happy with Ash, we can give them that.

People call Pikachu the most adorable Pokémon, and this is where my opinion gets the better of me... it's not. Have you seen Clefairy? Butterfree? Bulbasaur? Or the best for last: EEVEE?! Exactly. But then again, the little red cheeks do make it look slightly adorable.

Now do you wish to catch a Pikachu? Best guess it to look around in the forest around your region. I do know that they are not easily found or caught, so please be safe! And take a lot of your best PokéBalls, since you might want to have to try a lot of times. Unless you're a pro, but then still. And never forget: Catching a Pikachu will always be easier than finding a female Eevee in the wild!


Do you know which Pokémon this is? Post your guess in the comments below and who knows? Maybe you'll win some amazing prizes!


EMME edited by lavender.