Pokestaff Secrets


Hi everyone my name is Nick I am one of pokemedia staff. Starting this week we will be starting a series of blogs that is an interview with our lovely staff. We will be looking into the life of what they do and maybe unfold some secrets. So come join me if you would like to be interviewed let me know. Our first guest this week is Ryder Ackerman.
What made you want to do this job?
Before this job opened, I was actually going to be a professor, but when the job for League Coordinator of Biography opened, I was like "why not take the shot"? I always thought it would be a fun and interesting job to do, but I actually had almost zero experience, but somehow I got the job and I was right because it is a lot of fun doing it!
What are some things you like to do in your free time?

In my free time, I, of course, love to spend time with my Pokemon or my daughter, Caylee Ackerman. They are all always great company. However, something a lot of people actually don't know about me, is that I love to play the guitar. I've been doing it for a long time now and it still is one of my favorite things to do in my free time.
If there was one thing you would want to see on WoPM in the future?

That is a really good question since I am pretty okay with the way things are at the moment. But if I had to choose, I would say that I would only love to see as much activity as we have now, or even more, in the future. You know, all the jobs being filled and that there are a lot of blackberries making homework and doing topics. That would be amazing.
What is one thing that makes you unique?

Definitely, all the enemies I have. I have no idea how I do it, but somehow I manage to get a lot of them and get more every day. Yet, I am still doing my job and still have a little group of people who like to work with me. So yea, that definitely makes me more unique than the others, of course.
If you were a pokemon which pokemon you want to be?

Celebi, one honderd percent. I love Celebi so much. I can't even explain why, I just think it's one of the most incredible Pokemon there is. I would definitely choose Celebi if I could choose. However, if I couldn't choose, I would never be Celebi. If you ask Addison, the PokeMaster, she would definitely say I'm a Slowpoke, which I don't agree with. I think I would be more of a Pidgeotto. You know, the Pidgey line is hated by almost everyone, yet, they are all really great Pokemon and can be really strong, can't they? I like to think I started my life out as a Pidgey, but slowly evolved and now a Pidgeotto. So yeah, that's how I see myself.

thanks, everyone for Reading this interview love you all from Nick Jones


written by

Nick Jones

Code by Yun wnters